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Dashboard CDF Dashboard Editor

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Lower values have higher priority", "type": "Integer", "order": 50, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "refreshPeriod", "value": "", "description": "Refresh Period", "tooltip": "Time interval (in seconds) to refresh the component. If 0 or not set component won't refresh.", "type": "Integer", "order": 50, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "htmlObject", "value": "TipoNI", "description": "HtmlObject", "tooltip": "HtmlObject to prompt", "type": "HtmlObject", "order": 90, "classType": "" }, { "name": "executeAtStart", "value": "true", "description": "Execute at start", "tooltip": "Execute at start?", "type": "Boolean", "order": 91, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "preExecution", "value": "", "description": "Pre Execution", "tooltip": "Function to be executed before the component is updated", "type": "JavaScript", "order": 92, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "postExecution", "value": "", "description": "Post Execution", "tooltip": "Function to be executed after the component is updated", "type": "JavaScript", "order": 93, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "postFetch", "value": "", "description": "Post Fetch", "tooltip": "Code executed after this component's data is fetched from the server", "type": "JavaScript", "order": 93, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "preChange", "value": "", "description": "Pre Change", "tooltip": "Function to be executed before the component is changed. It's a function of the type function(value){return value}, and can be used for validation", "type": "JavaScript", "order": 94, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "postChange", "value": "", "description": "Post Change", "tooltip": "Function to be executed after the component is changed. It's a function of the type function(value){...}", "type": "JavaScript", "order": 95, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "tooltip", "value": "", "description": "Tooltip", "tooltip": "Tooltip to be displayed on component's mouse hover", "type": "Html", "order": 99, "classType": "advanced" }, { "name": "extraOptions", "value": "[]", "description": "Extra Options", "tooltip": "Extra Options", "type": "OptionArray", "order": 99, "classType": "advanced" } ] } ] }, "datasources": { "rows": [] }, "filename": "/cde/dashboard/_tmp.cdfde" }